
Seriously people.

I just spent the last five hours getting ComicPress up and running. For the uninitiated (like me, five hours ago), ComicPress is a WordPress theme (though that seems like an understatement), that exists to post and archive comics.

I faked my way through some CSS editing (mostly for the sake of changing colours), I edited categories, tinkered, and re-upped my Daily Sketchbook Comics.

And all I can say is, wow. I’ve never suffered so little pain with Wordpress before. I can’t believe how well this works. There are so many new possibilities for posting comics.

ComicPress is free to use, but they say that donations are welcome ($30 is suggested as an approximation of retail value) … they will definitely be getting that from me tomorrow.

In light of this wonderful new world, I am hoping to eventually add all six years of my comic strips from the Regina Leader-Post, not to mention tons of old comics currently available on my website, (which are currently very awkward to navigate).

But first, let us bow to the creators of ComicPress, our new overlords!